Team & Role
Natasha Centeno, UX Designer & Researcher
14 week project
Otter AI
The problem
I focused on solving poor roommate fits. The Instagram poll indicated the majority of users were interested in this topic. I have always had someone in the room with one awful roommate experience. Why not create a solution for this widespread problem?
How did we get there?
Phase 1
Research Goal
We want to know how people research a new home or apartment so that we can understand their needs and build upon the gap in service.
What gaps of service are currently missing?
Learn why individuals and families need to move.
Learn how the person creates a solution to the move and finding their ideal living situation.
Virtual Interviews and creating a poll using Instagram Stories. In addition, the researcher completed an in-depth competitive analysis. A balance of qualitative and quantitative.
The researcher consistently made iterations throughout the project. After each set of interviews, the gathered feedback created insights and solutions. I found that the product, site, and overall quality were improved when iterating. Throughout the project, I refined small details and kept a list of additional changes which required extensive time and energy.
Key Insights from Interview
People do not heavily rely on apps to help with the move out process. Technology is often used for communicating or networking.
Networking in person is preferred and users will supplement their research by going online.
Movers are highly independent and make efforts to cut down on costs.
Key Insights from Survey
People need help finding roommates that are a good match.
Because there is not a large market for before moving into a new home, users would benefit from a creation of an app.
There would need to be an extensive efforts for marketing due to users preferring in person interaction and education to what is disposable to them.
Interaction Design
Phase 3
Low, medium, and high-fidelity wireframes were iterated throughout the project. The mid-fidelity wireframes underwent usability testing.
Test & Iteration
Phase 5
80% of users emotionally react positively towards the branding and overall site.
100% of users reacted warmly. Some words that were used include, fun, outgoing, quirky, and easy to use.
90% of users found the site extremely easy and intuitive to use. Younger adults have been conditioned to behave and know what certain components mean and the site had these components.
90% of users find the site easy to access.
80% of users would want to sign up and keep using the website.
90% of users wanted to sign up and keep using the app. One user wanted to see if the app would work for them and did not want to sign up to avoid extra work.
After conducting usability testing, the following changes were made.
As there are many filters, a better way to use the space would be a right side bar which can take up a large portion of the screen.
Originally the prototype did not have a confirmation page. This confused users as they were not sure if the process was complete.
Learnings & Challenges
Phase 6
Further Iterations I wanted to make on the project.
Throughout the project, I was unsure how to incorporate and implement the premium features. During the last set of interviews, I better understood what people needed and wanted. I concluded that the premium feature should include the search option and boost visibility like Tinder. The search option gives the user the entire database of roommates and gives them more freedom in the app. If they are an experienced renter, they might already know what type of person they want in a roommate. For renters who need an immediate roommate due to life circumstances would be willing to pay for increased matches/visibility due to their crunch on time.
If done differently, I would want to focus more on the high-fidelity iterations as there were more frames I would like to include to meet more of the user's needs.
I learned the importance of testing often and listening deeply to what users say. Make sure to ask follow-up questions and sitting in silence can produce answers from participants.
Being a one-person team was challenging. When conducting interviews, I found it necessary to have it recorded or another person taking notes. Most proud of the metrics gathered from the final interview. Hearing people say what I envisioned was terrific.
As a personal challenge, I want to create more screens within the expected time frame. I found during the last interview that improvements were being made faster when the user flow variegated. This project only required the happy path or the path expected for users to take.